Clyde and his Kitty

Posted By on January 10, 2012

This photo was taken on the Hagenbeck & Wallace Circus in 1929. This photo can be found in the book “Big Cage.” 1933. A day or so ago I spoke with my friend Jack Badal, who I consider one of the best wild animal trainers of his time. He said something very interesting concerning the character and chemistry of animal trainers. It had to do with what they felt naturally confident in with the animals that they trained.  In his words, there has to be an honest mutual understanding and respect for each other. This may answer the question of why some trainers surpass others. I will use myself as an example. I had no problem training and working with elephants, hoof stock, the great apes and other primates. When it came to the lions , tigers, and river animal and reptiles, etc, I had no interest whatsoever. It is not that I disliked them…..there was just no feeling. I liked the great apes,  gorillas and orangutans, but chimps were my calling. So I guess if you ask any animal trainer what his or her favorite is, they will indeed have an answer for you. I think Jack Badal may be right….. each of us have our own comfort zone. Clyde Beatty excelled in the big cats and became a bench mark in his style of training………… even though danger will and can lift it’s ugly head.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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