Professer George Keller

Posted By on November 11, 2011

Photo taken on the  Atlantic City pier. He trained a mixed group of lions, tigers, leopards and cheetahs. His act was called Keller’s Jungle Killers.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Professer George Keller”

  1. Gloria Van Cleave says:

    I was raised in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. My uncle, a friend of George Keller’s, took me to Professor Keller’s home to see the exotic cat which had been sent to the Professor by a friend. That animal was the beginning of Professor Keller’s animal training career.

    Before he went on the road exclusively, Professor Keller established several summer shows in the area. The first I remember was “See the Chinese Dragon” show, pitched by the side of the road between Bloomsburg and Berwick. One of the next ones was an all-albino show, with two classmates of mine working with him. Both boys were albino, and I remember the older one practicing several acrobatic ladder tricks.

    Professor Keller came to the high school often to tell us about the summer tour, once he went on the road, and to show photos and movies of the events. Somewhere during those years, a zebra escaped and caused quite a bit of excitement running down the highway. It was eventually corralled, and returned to the show.

    Professor Keller was an amazing man and I am proud that he was part of my childhood memories.

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