The Gutierrez Family #10

Posted By on November 4, 2011

From left to right are Arturo, Dora and Johnny Jr. The trampoline was another of their many acts. Johnny Jr did a tight wire act that in  itself was one of the finest I’ve ever seen. He did just about every trick in the book but his finish was what the audience liked best. Someone would start to slack off on the wire making it into a slack wire. As they are doing this another person is handing Johnny his props which were a sombrero, a serape  and a bottle that resembled a whiskey bottle. He then would take a sip from the bottle and some great comedy followed.  His twisting , turning, undulating body made it look like his next step was his last and then he would almost fall off backwards, only to pull himself forward before he would leap from the wire for his bow. Even at the beginning of the next act people were still chuckling and talking about the comedy and the drunk Mexican wire walker.

There is a photo of his act in 101 Ranch categories.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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