The Gutierrez Family #1

Posted By on November 4, 2011

Johnny Gutierrez and his wife Jovita stand together in the left side of this photo. The rest of the family and  band members are to the right. I do recognize some of the faces but at the time of the photo they were very young. I met the Gutierrez family as a kid on the 101 Ranch Wild West & Circus in 1945. Then later the family joined the Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival in the early 1950’s. This photo was taken in 1947 in Tucson Arizona right after a blow down……some damage can be seen in background. I do not know exactly the date Johnny and Jovita Gutierrez came to this country but it was in the early 1930’s. Papa and Mama Gutierrez are the  names I knew them by. Every morning I would make my way to their house bus and have sweet bread or a burrito with beans. When I spoke with Armida she told me that her mother, Jovita  Mama Gutierrez did Iron Jaw with the Atayde Bros Circus.

I understand that Mr. Gutierrez had or was part of a small circus in Mexico. It was sold then Johnny and Jovita came to the US. Their immediate family  were all born in this country….. Arturo, Johnny Jr, Dora, Molly, Armida, Alica and Toni. I can tell you this about the Gutierrez family… they were the gentlest, nicest, most humble people you would ever want to know and each in their own right fine performers. Michelle Lopez is the daughter of Toni Gutierrez. She sent me these family photos for the circus blog. Thank you. I want you to know Michelle you can be very proud of your family.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


5 Responses to “The Gutierrez Family #1”

  1. stanley Tucker says:

    I recall seeing this show in Santa Barbara around 1938. They set up in a vacant lot in the 400 block of east Guiterrez Street, about a block away from where I lived. I went with neighbors who translated for me. I recall a skit in which Capitan Serrote was featured, and a loose wire tight rope act where the performer acted drunk. Great childhood memories.

  2. Lupe Luque says:

    Hello, My name is Lupe Luque. I am originally from Kerman, California. My grandfather was Manuel Gutierrez. He helped raise me on his ranch there in Kerman. His youngest and only living daughter is Lupe Gutierrez who still lives in Kerman. I have been talking to my Tia Lupe about our family history and in one conversation about my grandfather she told me that the Gutierrez Circus came to a nearby town and that my grandfather went to the circus to meet the owner Gutierrez. As it turned out the Mr. Gutierrez of the circus was his brother. From your website I see that his name is/was Johnny. Could this be my grandfather’s brother? Please ask your family if they remember Johnny’s brothers names. Again my grandfather’s name was Manuel Gutierrez. He was born in 1896 but we don’t know where and passed in 1955 in Fresno, CA. I believe he was born somewhere in Mexico too because my auntie says that my grandmother told her that they came into the US in a covered wagon around 1940 through Tijuana, BC. He was a tall, good looking man with big black eyes and long eyelashes. He was a very reserved and private person even with his family. I am very excited and hopeful that you may shed some light on my grandfather’s family for us. We can even be blood related. God willing. Thank you for your time and any information you can share with me. Looking forward to receiving your response whether we are family or not. This is my email:

  3. Lupe Luque says:

    Hi its me Lupe again. I spoke to my Tia Lupe and I made a mistake in the year that my grandfather entered to the US. It was in the year 1930.

  4. Fr. Michael Gutierrez says:

    I am with my father Richard Gutierrrz Sr. discussing the Gutierrez Circus which his parents, Francisco and Esther Gutierrez. Francisco’s brothers, Amador (el mono) and Johnny were involved. Era was 1920’s. Owner was Sartonino ran it. So we are if we are related from the same circus tree? My email Thank you

  5. Oh yes I recall the circus.
    My Grandparents were
    Francisco & Esther Gutierrez
    Who lived in East Los Angeles
    Arturo Gutierrez was my 3 cousin he was married to Blanca and had 2 children Arturo & Imra
    My mother was a Gutierrez
    Rachel Gutierrez. My uncle’s Richard Gutierrez & Rudolfo Gutierrez.
    I Remember seeing a newspaper clipping when the w the circus went to Hawaii by ship in the 1940s
    Ernestine Lussow Hobbs New Mexico

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