The Mood #8

Posted By on October 23, 2011

I have noticed that many clowns of years ago had a mood pose that would distinguish them from others. Furthermore it is known that there are no two clown make-ups alike.  Some make-ups may look the same but there are definite differences. This is their personal choice. It is a clown’s professional pride to have his own make up design. I think in many ways the clown tells a story about him or herself. The make up can be sad, funny, happy or flamboyant.  More often than not it is a reflection of themselves. Here the young Glen “Bones” Hartzell is counting something on his fingers but it’s for you to interpret. There is always a deliberate still moment where they will stare, gaze off or hesitate.  It is done,  I think to catch your eye and grab your attention………. I have wondered if they even know what they are doing or if it is natural.

Maybe it’s about what you are seeing and feeling in your thoughts. That’s what it is all about, “The theater of the mind”….The Clown.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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