The Sons Of Morocco

Posted By on August 18, 2011

The Sons of Morocco were playing a fair that we were booked on with the chimp act. I made friends with one of the members of the troupe, Moulay Ahmed, the top mounter. After a few weeks of playing fairs, I became friends with all of the troupe and was privy to a problem that was becoming very serious.

Their visa was up and they were going to be deported. The troupe came to Dad and me to see if there was any thing we could do to help them stay in the country. To make a long story short, Dad put together a contract that made us responsible for them, and promising they would not be a burden on the country.

That, of course, meant finding work for them, which was easy. Within a few weeks, the season was booked, and they went on to perform under their new name, The Tangier Brothers.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “The Sons Of Morocco”

  1. Lhoussain SIMOUR says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you very much for the picture about Moroccan acrobats.
    I was just wondering if you could possibly send me some more of the same troupe or other Moroccan troupes. I ‘d feel so grateful as I am writing a PhD dissertation on Acrobats and dancers who performed in America in 19th and 20th century.

    Thanks you so much in adavance.


  2. sebti says:

    Dear Mr Simour,

    I would like to first thank you for your great book about “captives, dancers and acrobats and the morrocan-american narrative of encounters”,

    I am the great grand son of Abdessalam Hadj Nassar, son of Hadj Nassar of the Hadj Nassar troupe. Thank you for bringing onto ligt all this information about him. I showed your writings and pictures to my close family, they were amazed and emotional to find out more about this period of his life in the US they’ve never seen as he died young.

    I was wondering if you had more information about nassar or any source i can dig into.

    Have a good day

    Best regads

    Mehdi SEBTI

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