Gino & Mary Ann

Posted By on August 7, 2011

Thank you Kandra for informative comment. I got another comment from Amy Bogino Thanks.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


6 Responses to “Gino & Mary Ann”

  1. Kandra Robertson says:

    Gino & his family were on the Gil Gray show in the 60’s & also worked & announced the circus when Mr. Gray booked it into Six Flags Over Texas in the summer of 1965. They were very nice people. He did a good job of announcing even with his very Italian accent! We worked 3 shows a day, 7 days a week. Between all of the shows & the summer heat it was very hard to get the show stock out of walk. Bucky Steele had a green pony drill & they were certainly finished at the end of the summer.

  2. Carol Philips says:

    “Gino was Iginio from the outstanding Bogino Family Troupe of wrisley acrobatic act. His family played a large role in a Danny Kaye film which had a lot of circus background.

  3. amy bogino eernissee says:

    Gino and Mary Ann are my parents. These photos appear to be from the late 50’s/very early 60’s………My parents traveled and worked together from the time they married n 1958 until the divorced in 1976-ish…… sister Dina and i both performed with them in our family act as well. Our brother Steven was still too young to perform at the time.

    My Mom is still alive and well in Delaware, where she was from originally. Dina lives there as well as Steven. My father passed away in December of 1990 in Italy, where he had been living for several years. He left 6 children at the time, Rick Bogino Wallenda, Mario Bogino Wallenda (deceased), Amy Bogino Eernissee, Dina Bogino, Steven Bogino and Bruno Bogino.

  4. Mary Ann Bogino says:

    Hi, everybody,

    So surprised to see these pictures of me and Iginio. My recollection is they were taken about 1960. Will look through my photos to see if the actual date is noted. Thanks for sharing with everyone!!!

  5. Frank Bogino says:

    Hi – I am Frank Bogino son of Aurelio and emore Iginio is my uncle he was a great guy – I am in contact with my cousins amy dina steven and my ant Mary Ann all the time we love eachother very much and my wife Yvette loves them all very much as well – it was great to see the pics – Digit Frank Bogino on google and there are youtube clips of my present acts.

    Love to all that reads the blog

  6. Frank Bogino says:

    hi everyone its great that people still remeber the old pioneer performers like the boginos – zavattas – zoppes – cristianis I must say Italy gave a lot to the american circus world love to all that read and appreciate the news.
    Frank Bogino

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