The Lacys

Posted By on August 1, 2011

Thank you Carol for your comment.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “The Lacys”

  1. Carol Philips says:

    This is probably a promo shot for the Lacey’s rolling globe act. The girl on the far left is Doris – now Doris Naghtin, as she married Wally Naghtin who had a bear act. The girl next to her I believe is Susan Lacey who became the wife of Simone Aviles Martinez who had a chimp act. Mr and Mrs. Lacey are in the center and I don’t know the name of the daughter on the far right.

  2. Jackie Knupp says:

    Does anybody know what ever happened to Susie and Simone? I remember them from the Castle show in 1972.

  3. Dawn says:

    Susan and Simone died a long time ago. They have a daughter in Las Vegas. Lucy is alive and well in Vegas and is a great grandma. Aunty Doris and Uncle Wally live in Florida

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