The Bogino Family

Posted By on June 15, 2011

How well I remember this wonderful family.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


6 Responses to “The Bogino Family”

  1. Frank Bogino says:

    I love this photo as it’s my father Aurelio and Mother Emore and uncles thank you for puting on .
    Friendliest Regards
    Frank Bogino

  2. Bernadette Landry says:

    looking for the Flying Bogino’s around 1954 was in New Orleans at that time , also performed for the home of incurables ,in New Orleans Louisiana believe the names were BEN or BENITO BOGINO and AURILLO BOGINO believe were brothers, trying to get information on that troup.. I was at the home of incurables at that time maybe the family that is acting now may be children or grand children

    Thank You God bless cellphone number 1-985-373-5339

  3. Bernadette Landry says:

    Ben Bogino was there at the time I met his brother and his mother trying to find if Ben is still alive believe he is in Italy.

  4. Bernadette Landry says:

    Ben Bogino at that time was picked to perform on the greatest show on earth

  5. Amy Bogino Eernissee says:

    Hi Bernadette: Benito Bogino (Benny) was my uncle. My father, Iginio’s (gino) brother. My uncle has been gone for many years now.

  6. Clive Hardy says:


    I have a photograph of the Bogino Brothers performing at the Belle Vue International Circus, Manchester. One brother is standing on a cycle whilst the other is juggling. Not sure of the date – probably 1970s.

    Does anyone have any more details please.

    Many thanks.

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