Landrus Clown Duo

Posted By on June 12, 2011


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Landrus Clown Duo”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    I knew Rudy and Jack all the years when i was on the Gil Gray.They were really nice people most of the time .When they had too much to drink they could really be a hand full. It was always Cleo Plunkets job to get them under control.

  2. Kandra Robertson says:

    My Dad & Cleo played more than a few pranks on Jack. They did an army gag where Jack was supposed to be shot out of a cannon & Ruby would be up in the bleachers as Jack in a tattered uniform. One day they filled up the cannon with water & then the prop-hands took turns pulling the cannon around so Jack couldn’t get out. They pulled him around for about 5 minutes, Jack cussing & sloshing around inside the cannon. They finally stopped, but not before everyone took off before Jack got out.

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