Terrel Jacobs

Posted By on June 3, 2011

Terrel Jacobs with his mixed group of Lions and Tigers performing at the Atlantic City Steel Pier … 1940? Clyde Beatty performed there as well just a few years before Terrel Jacobs.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Terrel Jacobs”

  1. Roger Smith says:

    Indeed, Beatty put in the full season of ’39 there, while having things readied for his next major project. At season’s end for the Pier, Clyde and Harriett Beatty journeyed South, and on December 2, 1939, opened their Clyde Beatty Jungle Zoo, in Fort Lauderdale. The sleepy town, on Florida’s Atlantic Coast, came alive as the Beattys literally put it on the map. Then, inevitably, developers encroached upon the Zoo property, and homeowners complained of loudspeaker and animal noises. The Beattys worked to assuage all the protests, but were at last voted out of their zoning by the City Council, in 1945. Sad, angry, and dissillusioned, they closed their cherished Zoo, and left to form the Clyde Beatty Circus.

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