Ivan and Durante

Posted By on February 4, 2011

“That’s it Jimmy, you are doing fine,  just take your time and use the balance pole.  How well I remember. When I wasn’t doing five other things on the movie Jumbo , I was coaching Mr. Durante on the wire, trampoline as he wanted to learn what ever he could for the picture. Jimmy indeed was a fast learner.  It all started with a phone call from George “Good Kid” Emerson,  a circus trouble shooter for MGM.  He said that they were looking for someone to do “Iron Jaw” and that could take the place of a performer booked for the job but who never showed up………No problem said I. The next call came from Al Doebrich, who asked me if I was sure I could do it and if I could juggle while doing iron jaw.  When I said “yes” he said  “come to the studio as soon as you can.”  I was off to Culver City where the MGM studio was located and to meet with Mr. Doebrich. The next person I met was Joe Pasternak who said…….. “we have had a few problems and hopefully you might be able to help. Mr Emerson and Al say you come from a circus family and can do many things…. how about trapeze too?”  I did not think I would have any problems with what they wanted and explained I needed to practice as I have been involved with our family chimp act.  Mr Pasternak looked up, smiled and said “welcome” and then said “Oh yes there is someone else you will have to meet as he is doing much of our production, his name is Barbette.” The only Barbette I knew of was a trapeze artist that worked in the Follies Bergere in Paris,  France and it is said he was a sensation…….. It was he.  Barbette in his later years did production for many circuses and was quite good at it. So now I had my work cut out for me….and how.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Ivan and Durante”

  1. kathy henry says:

    hi papa–
    jack and katie love seeing these pics of you from back in the day–thank you for sharing your history with us!
    we love you!!
    the philadelphia henry’s

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