The Gil Gray Elephants

Posted By on November 14, 2010

                                    Jinny, Minny and Tilly.   A cool drink of water.



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “The Gil Gray Elephants”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    When i 1st started on the Gray show i used to ride in the “Crummy” of this truck and Bobby at 16 years old drove it. We used to keep our suite cases in there all the time and when it was cold Bobby would load them in and more than once they picked the door lock between their compartment and the Crummy and eat and tear up every thing that was left inside. The key was a 3/8 allen wrench and they could still manage to get it open. One night going into Corpis Christy Tx Bobby fell asleep and ran into dirt that was piled up on side of the road. I was sleeping and heard him calling me and i thought he had just pulled into a truck stop really hard and told him i did not want to get any thing eat. I then looked out the front window and did not see the tractor as it was jack knifed around the trailer and Bobby was buried under the tractor up to his neck in the loose dirt which is probably why he was not killed. 1 st one to come to help was Joe Lempke who help keep Bobby calm until they could get a wrecker to lift the truck off of him. Johnny Herriot was there and unloaded Tillie, Jenny, and Minnie so they could lift the truck.

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