The Malkos

Posted By on November 7, 2010


                                Please comment if you know anything about this troupe.    Read comment below, by Sandra Duke Vogel. Also a fine comment by Judy Yanez.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “The Malkos”

  1. Sandra Duke Vogel says:

    This looks like an early picture of the Flying Malkos.
    On the far right is Mike and the lady is his wife June.
    I don’t remember/know the two younger men.
    They were on the Gray Circus around 1953-55 or so. They did a special double
    Flying Act in 1954 with Bill & Peggy Dunn, Billy Dale Woods.Beverly Duke and Tony Steele.
    (this is where Tony Steele first got his start as a flyer).

  2. PeeWee say’s the tall man is Russell Nafis and the short guy is Jeep Milen.

  3. PeeWee say’s the tall man is Russell Nafis and the short guy is Jeep Milen..

  4. Judy Yanez says:

    The catcher of the Flying Malkos was my uncle Michael Kociuk. He was married to June who is the lovely blonde woman in this picture

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