Ezra Table Skating

Posted By on May 4, 2010


In 1950 the Siebrand stage was very small….10 by 30 long and was used only by such acts like Ezra’s. In front of the stage were two rings. It was called a side wall circus and had stringer seating. Ezra is jumping from the platform with his skates on—-unreal ! He would hit the stage with a deliberate loud thud holding his back making out like he was in pain and yell out to the audience, Oh.. Oh send me a politician no–no, I mean a physician . He then would go into his fancy rope spinning all the while cracking one liners. He said that the hardest trick for him was the “Texas Skip”. Ezra was 60 or so years old at this time of his life. He said if I stop doing the skip I might as well just stop it all. His total act was done on skates he bolted to a pair of  laced up boots.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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