Armida Gutierrez

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Armida on the tight wire. As time goes on you lose track of your friends …and so it is in our business also. I was involved in a TV series in the early 1960’s called Greatest Show on Earth with Jack Palence. On one of the show the script called for two wire walkers, myself and Armida. It was great to work together again. After the gig was over I didn’t see her until 1976. She became Armida Smith and has a fine family. As for the rest of the Gutierrez family, they are somewhere out there in the show business world. If you read this blog….I would love to hear from you.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “Armida Gutierrez”

  1. Joe Villarreal says:

    Would love to see more photos the the Gutierrez family. They are my father-in-laws family. He is a Marmolejo, they who were part of the act at one time.
    thank you for all these great gutierrez photos.

  2. Michelle Lopez says:

    My Aunt Armida and Aunt Alice live in Sarasota, FL. My Aunt Dora and Uncle Arthur live in Los Angeles, CA. My Aunt Molly, Uncle Johnny, and Aunt Pie have all passed. As for my mom, Toni, she lives in Arvin, CA.

  3. Davina Smith says:

    This is my grandma 🙂 I am her son’s (Ron Smith) daughter <3

  4. Lupe Luque says:

    Hello Armida. My name is Lupe Luque and my grandfather was Manuel Gutierrez your father’s brother. I would like to connect with your family if at all possible. We need to share our history as you still have one aunt Lupe alive who is 90 years old but very sharp and remembers her history. Here is my email: Please contact me. I will anxiously await your email. Lupe

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