The Gutierrez Family Bus

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Home away from home…. 1950 Siebrand Bros Circus. Standing for a photo is Alica Gutierrez,  a fine performer.



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


4 Responses to “The Gutierrez Family Bus”

  1. Ward Hall says:

    I trouped with Guiterrez (misspelled, sorry) on Wallace and Clark in 1951. On that show the electrician was one of the Henry bros, also wotrked in big show. I think his wife was ethel. I was on the Benny Fox show in 19fo with Glen Henry family. I don’t remember the year but at Illinois state fair, Springfield, I think it was Ivan Henry who had elephants there for the circus. On tear down night he brought an elephant up to the sideshow and hwith the help of the bull moved a semi around so it culd be hooked up to the tractor. Then I rode the bull back down to the circus, for which after all these years I thank Mr. Henry for helping my partner C M Christ with the semi and I remember he also helped Chris for something pertaining to Chris chimp Toby. Cordially, Ward Hall

  2. Michelle Lopez says:

    Great picture of my Aunt Alice. She now lives in Sarasota, FL, along with my Aunt Armida. Thank you for the great pictures!

  3. mark rey says:

    i wish they had pix of my gradma pie or my mom betty rey

  4. michael says:

    My great grandfather was Amador Gutierrez.

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