Forepaugh & Sells Poster

Posted By on January 25, 2010



About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Forepaugh & Sells Poster”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    What a nice collection of Posters Ivan .Thanks for posting them. Casey

  2. admin says:

    Hello Casey. Thanks for your connemt. I have many more posters. Back in early 1980’s a friend of mine, Dave Ramage was manageing the last days of Boardwalk and Baseball in Orlando, Fl. I went to visit him for a few days after they closed the park and he gave me many of the posters that you see on the blog. Like a fool I did not take care of many of the posters that my father gave me and are in need of repair. I spend a lote of my time with a friend that is an art dealer and he has the knowledge in this kind of repair work but they will never be like new. I know that they still can be enjoyed, The art work on some is unbelievable even to this day………Regards IVAN P.S If you want some copys I can have some made for you………NO $…

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