My Friend Albert Rix

Posted By on January 2, 2010


It was instant friendship when Alert and I first met. I guess that is the way it is with most animal men. I never saw Albert without a smile or something funny to say.  As the season went on he seemed to lose some of his humor. While in Denver, Colorado after the show, I confronted him in German……. “what’s going on with you?”  He told me that the Polar Bears were lethargic and sick. With that I took a look at two of the Polar bears and we decided to get sample of blood and etc, etc. One of the Shriner’s knew of a good vet and off we went with the blood samples. A day later we had all the medicine needed to get the bears back to health. The hard part for me was going into a shifting cage with these huge bears to administer their medicine. To this day I remember Albert holding their heads while I pored the medicine into their mouths. Side note ……99 percent of animal men and women know how to take care of their animals…..medical needs as well their proper diet and housing. I know for a fact that our animals come first.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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