Barnum #1

Posted By on January 2, 2010


Back in 2005  Bill Capell called me to tell me that there was a circus close by in Tempe AZ right off the freeway. So the Capells and the Henrys ….without letting any grass grow under our feet, took off to see the circus. There is no question the show was outstanding and the big top was beautiful and spotless. However for to old Kinkers….we both admitted it was not the same.  No aroma of sawdust, popcorn cooking or the wild smell of the animal’s.  Bill said out loud …”where are the butcher’s?  I want  some floss.”  Change is so very difficult for us. We were used to  working under the worst conditions…. dusty dirty lots and many with  no lights or water until the plant and water wagon got onto the lot.  Just when you thought you had enough money to make it though the winter your truck broke down and you needed new rubber or a motor overhaul.  Ah… but somehow…it was still a   wonderful life. Because when we were in the arena we knew that we had won the battle. Circus people are wonderful people. As my father said  “When it is tough for every one else …it’s just right for us.”


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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