Johnny Wiesmuller and Al Antinucchi

Posted By on April 7, 2009

Wiesmuller and Antanuchi

Al and John on location somewhere in California, most likely at the Jungleland Compound as the studio  did most of the outdoor shooting there. This  is  either Cheeta or Tamba. The chimp was owned by Ed C. Learmont. Al worked and trained the chimps for the Tarzan movies and did that for quite some time. All good things come to end, but that wasn’t the end for Al as he created his own chimp act and it with a doubt was one of the best in the business. He played fair’s, TV shows, circuses and motion pictures as well. He had a great act and he was a great guy.  Remember……I never saw a chimp act I didn’t like 🙂       READ……… comment by Rich…….. My father Clifford Henry said Al was the best at what ever he did.


Slim Lewis & Ziggy

Posted By on April 7, 2009

Slim Lewis

This photo was taken at the Brookfield Zoo in 1940 or 1941. The male elephant’s name is Ziggy.  As you can see here, Slim is in a tight spot but he manages to get away unhurt. Bull elephants sometimes behave this way when they come into musk and you can get caught off guard pretty easily.  Slim never had bad feeling toward Ziggy or for that matter any of the other elephants that he worked with.  He wrote a couple of books on elephants one of them called “I Love Rogues.”


Frank Buck

Posted By on April 7, 2009

Frank Buck

The one and only” Bring-um back alive ” Frank Buck.  An animal importer and writer. He also got involved with the motion picture business concerning Africa.  He was a man of many talents. Although I never met him,  I feel like I knew him because everybody in the business spoke of him in such high esteem. Many of the old timers at Jungleland would talk about their association with him.


Dorothy Herbert

Posted By on April 7, 2009


To watch Dorothy Herbert ride her horse was like seeing poetry in motion. The audience loved her!  Photo supplied by Janice Chandler.


The Flying Codonas

Posted By on April 1, 2009

The Codona's AAA

The act that set the benchmark for all other flying trapeze aerialists. Not only were they superb performers but they were exceptionally beautiful on the ground and in the air. The Codona Family originated in Mexico, their father was a circus performer and taught his children how to fly.



The Flying Codona’s

Posted By on April 1, 2009

Flying Codona #3a

A friend  of mine sent me six articles on Alfredo Codona. He told me that these news clippings were with some old circus posters. The trunk hadn’t been opened in years, but these treasures were found.  I never knew the whole story concerning the fate of the Codona’s but now I do……………WARNING,…..The last photo is shocking.

Click on the articles to enlarge and read.


Alferdo Codona

Posted By on April 1, 2009

Alfredo Codona

Alfredo Codona…the master of the triple somersault.


Alfredo Codona & Wife Vera Bruce Codona

Posted By on April 1, 2009

Codona's at dinner



Passing Leap

Posted By on April 1, 2009

Codonas passing leap

Click on article to enlarge.

This is a passing leap, Lalo was the catcher, Vera is going under and Alfredo is going over the top.


Lalo Codona Catching Vera

Posted By on April 1, 2009

Vera to Lalo Codona
