Free Circus Tickets Delivered by Milkman

Posted By on April 16, 2009


 Years ago….milk  was delivered to the home. The Siebrands had  this free ticket request form delivered with the milk as a promotion. Think of it….every home in Billings, Montana got this flyer.


The Midway Adds More

Posted By on April 16, 2009

save0022       A  new show office and side shows are now part of the Siebrand Midway.


Proper Flashing

Posted By on April 16, 2009


     Everything has to be flashed…. the paint and the paper must catch the eye.


The Building of a Carnival

Posted By on April 16, 2009


The Siebrand Show got bigger and bigger. In the center of this picture is a Spit Fire, a very popular state of the art ride at that time.  In the late 50’s it lost it’s popularity and was converted it into a ride called the paratrooper.  Photo taken in the late 1940’s early 50’s


A New Home

Posted By on April 16, 2009


Phoenix Arizona became their new winter home  as the weather was warm and more work could be done to prepare for the coming season.  This flyer was printed in 1949.   34 years of show business  and still ahead was another 30+ years to go.


Playing The Fairs

Posted By on April 16, 2009


In the 1950’s and 1960’s Siebrand Bros played every major fair in Montana, Idaho, Utah,  New Mexico and Arizona as well as two provinces in Canada.

                                                      Read comment by David Horner.


The Route Card

Posted By on April 16, 2009


The purpose of the route card was used by the employees to notify friends and family as well as the post office where they could be reached and where mail should be sent.


Set up day

Posted By on April 16, 2009


Top left: Circus stage. Center left:  Little dipper roller coaster track. Bottom left:  Ferris wheels at front gate. Bottom right:  Dipper track.  Center right: Tilt A Whirl platform walk.


Miller’s Baby Elephants

Posted By on April 16, 2009


Pictured here are Miller’s trained baby elephants.  Up date 8/27/09, These elephants were trained and presented by W.H.Woodcock. Photo taken 1949 or 1950.


Siebrand Bros Circus

Posted By on April 16, 2009


The Siebrands promoted their circus  heavily as they knew that it brought people to the carnival midway.  But there was another reason ….the Siebrands enjoyed watching the circus as much as the people that visited the midway.
