Carmen Hall

Posted By on September 16, 2009


I never saw this act but I wish I had. I would have enjoyed watching her work these animals as the African baboons are not easy to train nor work. This lady had a lot of intestinal fortitude to work with these animals.

Thanks Geno.


Cole Bros in Little Rock

Posted By on September 16, 2009


This was their first year in Little Rock, AK. The year was 1935.


Clyde Beatty in Person

Posted By on September 16, 2009

beatty-cole-bros-addThis is the actual size of the newspaper ad. This ad was used in May of 1959 or 1960.


Mable Stark

Posted By on September 16, 2009

Mable Stark 1930's

I have often wondered where this lady got her courage, not just with working the big cats, but her life in general. At the time that I knew her she was somewhat sullen with just about everyone. I would rib her a little and when she cracked a smile the conversation could start. She knew more people and had been more places than any other person I had ever met. It  did not take much to get her to talk about all the  circuses that she had worked for and when she spoke of them her body became erect with shoulders back and head high as she was back there on those old circuses recounting her time of glory. Gosh…how I loved to listen to that grand lady


“Terrell The Lion King”

Posted By on September 16, 2009

Terrell Jacobs

This is one of Terrell’s publicity photos used on the Barnes Bros Circus. In 1938 Terrell was with Al G. Barnes and Sells Floto. The same photo was used then. I tried to count all the cats in this arena, there are over 30. Many are hidden behind the safety cage while others are covering each other.


Walter L. Main Poster

Posted By on September 16, 2009


 Source photo


Circus Train Wreck at McCann’s Crossing

Posted By on September 16, 2009


 SEVEN KILLED AND NINETEEN INJURED The Cars Went Down a Steep Grade and Over an Embankment. LIONS AND TIGERS GOT LOOSE. Fifty Horses Were Killed Outright, and Others Were so Injured that They Will Have to be Killed — The Elephants and Camels Safe — Many Animals Es- caped to the Woods — A Tiger Made for a Farmhouse and Killed a Cow, Being in Turn Killed by the Farmer — Scenes About the Wreck

ALTOONA, Penn., May 30 — The most complete railroad wreck that has occurred in this section for many years took place this morning at a place known as McCann’s Crossing, on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railway, about three miles from Tyrone, a station on the main line of the Pennsylvnia, fourteen miles from Altoona



Walter L. Main Circus Train Wreck

Posted By on September 16, 2009


In 1989 while I was managing Lakemont Amusement Park in Altoona, Pa. , the locial newspaper did a story on me and I mentioned that I born in the circus. Later I was asked by some park attendees if I knew about the train wreck that had happened several years ag0 near Tyrone, PA.  My answer to them was “no” and they began to tell me what they knew about it. I forgot their stories until I started my circus blog. I have done alot of research lately and I came across the Walter Main  train wreck.


photo source


Walter L. Main Circus Train Wreck

Posted By on September 16, 2009


 There are other circus blogs that have this circus history on them. …. Bravo….. we must continue saving all of our circus heritage.

photo source



Posted By on September 11, 2009

  circus-greatsThis photo was in the Amusement Business Feb ,15, 1964.,  I remember it as the “Billboard”.
