Posted By on September 29, 2009


This little boat was electrically controlled….. it had a gear for wheel movement and one for the oars linkage.   Olgie Zavatta’s dogs were loved by the kids,  just look at their faces in this photo.


Looks like Original Trick

Posted By on September 29, 2009


This was a actual mini motor bike that Olgie converted to allow the dog to ride. The only gimmick was the handlebars were fixed to make a circle, but still was a very good trick…………………..10/25/09…………Up date I was just informed by Gino Zavatta that the handlebars were not fixed. The little dog was trained to control the bike.


Cole Bros Poster

Posted By on September 29, 2009



Olgie Zavatta Clown Ladder

Posted By on September 29, 2009


                 This photo was taken in the early 1950’s. The circus was either the Davenport Circus or Howard Ciess.


The Studebaker

Posted By on September 26, 2009

Clyde Beatty Studabaker

This picture was copied from a 1937 Cole Bros Clyde Beatty circus program. In the program they were advertising the new Studebaker Auto. Seen here Clyde and Harriet Beatty as the proud owners.



Posted By on September 26, 2009

cid__2_053b6f28053b6c78006318900725763a1EVERYTHING IS OK……………… DON”T WORRY.

I thought I would throw a little fun at you.

I was asked what the meaning of the Indian Chief in the picture was. I don’t know but this square test pattern was used in the 1940’s and 1950’s to line up a TV picture. Also,  at the end of a broadcast day which was about  11.pm,  this is what you would see until the next morning. So there you have it. Now please could someone make a comment on the Indian?


“Now Read This One !”

Posted By on September 26, 2009


This was part of my learning how to read. As a kid while traveling over the road going from town to town with the circus my Dad and Mom would have me read every road sign as we past them. Burma Shave was everywhere and about just about 20 miles down the road there would be another one. You could be in the most remote part of the world and there would be Burma Shave signs. I asked my Dad how can they put up so many of these signs and in so many places……..Dad said….”they have a good front end man”………. we could sure use one. We kept driving and I kept reading.


The Modern Cowboy

Posted By on September 26, 2009


Kerby Grant as Sky King and Penny Singleton. She later became the A.G.V.A. president. Kerby Grant also was a guest star on many circuses. He did not ride in on a horse or rope or shoot a gun, but he did have a way with words and he spoke always about America and education and doing the right thing. I knew him well because of all the different shows we did with him………. He was a nice man and I will long remember him………..     SEE…COMMENT BY PENNY WILSON.


The Tree From Hell

Posted By on September 26, 2009


My Mother almost electrocuted the whole family with one of these trees. When she plugged in the lights. Christmas became the 4th of July………   That’s why we started celebrating Hanukkah………… Its safer. This is not our original tree, Ours was much larger and…….. CRISP.


Gone Forever!

Posted By on September 26, 2009


                                                                                                   REMEMBER WHEN?

