Clyde Beatty Circus

Posted By on October 3, 2009


                 Visit the circus with your childern……it’s fine, clean family entertainment. It is waiting for you and yours.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on October 3, 2009

scan-090215-0011Thanks Jack for the new Photo Posters.


The One and Only

Posted By on October 3, 2009

clyde-beatty-authogPhoto of Clyde Beatty taken in the early 1950’s.

SEE ,Comment made by Penny Wilson.


Cole Bros Grand Entry Poster

Posted By on October 3, 2009



Circus at Lackland Air Force Base

Posted By on September 29, 2009


These ads are from the Dec 7, 1950 Lackland Air Force Base newspaper.The papers name is Talespinner. The base is located in San Antonio, Texas. Rubin did a forehead perch act with his wife Anita who was great performer. These two wonderful people never had a bad word for anyone. Rubin always called me his  Guero “Blondie”. It was from Rubin I got my first idea’s on teaching Bongi my Chimp the perch. Betty was Benny ‘s wife not his sister as the article states…….. she did look much younger than Benny.


Shrine Circus Date

Posted By on September 29, 2009


Irma and Rio were their stage names.  Very few people could pronounce Zavatta’s first name Oglie, so Rio was easier for most.  Polack Bros circus, 1948, 0r 1949.


“The Animal Mystic”

Posted By on September 29, 2009

mystic-of-animalsThis lady is the one and only Raffaela Zoppe…………. The Animal Mystic.


The Whiz Kids

Posted By on September 29, 2009


These are the Mel Hall children. Their mother is Aurelia Zavatta Hall, Monte and Geno Zavatta are Aurelia’s cousins.


The Hodgsons

Posted By on September 29, 2009


I just know their name , Nothing more but I am sure some where out there in the circus world will recognize them…………… and send a comment……………. They lived in Galveston, Ind. The 1950’s, or early 1960’s.

A must read comment by Carol Philips.


Zavatta’s Dog

Posted By on September 29, 2009


In the mid 1960’s Olgie and Jack Gorden built a small circus. This is one of their publicity photos. Kayletta,  Jacks wife did her sway pole act. Years before…… Kayletta was the wife of one of the Sky Kings that did a sway pole act.
