Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1947

Posted By on November 14, 2010



The Zoppes

Posted By on November 14, 2010


Another photo from the Mary Gray Frasier collection of her father’s Gil Gray Circus.



Posted By on November 14, 2010


This was a Billboard article in 1955. How easy it was then.


Henry Kyes

Posted By on November 14, 2010


                           Henry was our band leader on the Polack Bros Circus 1967.


The Gil Gray Circus Elephants

Posted By on November 12, 2010

 In the center of this photo is Gertie Craig. As a young kid she was aunt Gertie as Max and Gertie were very close to the Henry family. Max was raised on the J.E. Henry Circus and was like a brother to all my uncles. His sister Maxine married my uncle Todd Henry and Max’s father was the band leader on the J.E.Henry circus. Personal note: my mother Mary Henry who is in her 90’s sends her love to Gertie and Kandra.


Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1955

Posted By on November 12, 2010



I have often wondered what ever happened to our friends Mario and Rosemary Rojas??   If anyone knows their where abouts let me know.

Please read the comment


Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1947

Posted By on November 12, 2010

                                                                 A Billboard article.


Siebrand Bros Circus & Carnival 1947

Posted By on November 12, 2010



The Henrys

Posted By on November 12, 2010

Ethel, Patty, Shirley and Glen Henry. These beautiful people are my aunt, uncle and cousins. There are two more of Glen’s family…. Gary and Jimmy Henry. This photo was given to Mary Gray Frasier.


A Circus Family

Posted By on November 7, 2010

Ruth and Laura Harriott and of course Dolly Dumbo. This photo is a classic….it is most likely the finest circus backyard shot of mother and daughter I have ever seen.
