Zavatta’s Dogs

Posted By on January 23, 2012

Olgie Zavatta worked his dog act with a tremendous amount of excitement, as seen here. He was a mater prop builder and no matter what act he did, which were many, all were done with perfection.


The Wong Troupe

Posted By on January 23, 2012

I found this other photo of the Wong Troupe and posted it for Betty Wong …. enjoy.


The Lenderman

Posted By on January 23, 2012

Photo taken in 1950.


Liagarick & Liva Olymjric

Posted By on January 23, 2012

I do hope I have their names correct. On the back of this photo is written same as above.


Al G. Barnes Circus

Posted By on January 17, 2012

I happen to own one of these posters. Thanks to one of my sons who found it in an antique shop.


Al G. Barnes Winter Quarters #1

Posted By on January 17, 2012

This is the main of the Al G Barnes winter quarters and Zoo in Venice, California.


Al G. Barnes Employee Contract #2

Posted By on January 17, 2012

This is a rare document and a first for me. It was scanned from the original that is in the hands of Casper “Whitey” Jensen’s granddaughter, Val Streit. I have read the agreement and do not find his salary. I believe in those days, it was food and found, plus $15 dollars a week.


Casper “Whitey” Jensen with crew #3

Posted By on January 17, 2012

Casper Jensen is the third person on the left. This photo was taken on the Ringling Bros Circus,  but the year I am unsure of. “Whitey” came to this country with his farther from Denmark when he was seven. He started working with circuses in the late 1800’s and  traveled with such shows as Sun Bros, Sells Floto, Ringling Bros and Al G. Barnes to name a few.  Al G. Barnes was his last show and it was there he became the boss canvas man.  He also was there in 1930 when the show had it’s devastating  train wreck.


Al G. Barnes sewing canvas #4

Posted By on January 17, 2012

It was a never ending task sewing rips and tears in the big top. This is Casper “Whitey” Jensen. I understand from his granddaughter that he became boss canvas man on the Al G. Barnes Circus in 1930. I can’t count the times that I had to sew canvas. If the wind didn’t get it, ragging it out on a bad lot would or maybe some green help walking on it. I still have my sewing pom and beeswax and the spicing spike that my father gave me when I was a kid.


Al G. Barnes Route Card 1930 #5

Posted By on January 17, 2012

From the collection of Val Streit Casper “Whitey Jensen’s Granddaughter.
