Sky King

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Kerby Grant was a special celebrity on many circuses. He did not travel with the shows, his appearances were only in the big spots and generally in southern California. In this ad he is featured with Carson & Barnes Circus. To my knowledge the only show that he did travel with. The actual date of this ad is unknown to me, however it was in the early 1960’s


Searching For a Name

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Would you happen to know this performers name. The photo was taken in the early 1960’s. As you see here he worked a pony drill. My friend Jackie Kunpp is searching for his name. This fellow was a friend of hers when she was just a kid and would let her help lead her favorite pony to the ring.

                                         Please read Jackie’s comment.


Ward & Jerry

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Ward Hall is in the white suit, Jerry Ross in front. 7-12-92 Milwaukee, Wis.


Ward Hall Sideshow

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Jimmy Long in the ticket box accepting coupons. What ever happened to MONEY! MN. State Fair Aug 2007.


The Banner Line

Posted By on January 31, 2012

This is what I call a banner line. If this doesn’t bring them in nothing will and this is only half of Ward Hall’s banner line.  MN. State Fair 2007.


Ward’s Award

Posted By on January 31, 2012

In Feb of 2008 Ward Hall was named to the Hall of Fame.  His long time friend Chris is at his right.


Cole Bros 1937

Posted By on January 31, 2012

Program cover 1937.


Al G. Clark & Daily Bros

Posted By on January 31, 2012

I just received this poster from Mary Gray Fraiser. It was donated to the circus blog.  This poster is of  Al G. Clark and Daily Bros. Circus.. 1975-1976.  The owner of the circus was Jack Goggle.  Thank you Bob Kline for the information regarding this poster.



Barnes or Ringling

Posted By on January 27, 2012

These teams of horses are waiting along a railroad siding where the circus train flatbeds are loaded with wagons. Each car or flat may have up to four wagons on it. Long wagon wheel rails are mounted at the back of the flat bed and the wagon is then rolled down the two rails to the ground. It now becomes the team of horses  job to pull the show wagons to the lot. Each circus wagon is loaded to capacity with all the circus equipment. This photo is part of the Val Streit collection. She does not know what circus it is in this photo or where it was taken. Her grandfather, C. “Whitey” Jensen traveled with Al G. Barnes and Ringling both and at that time were rail road shows in the early 1930’s.


Ringling Bros

Posted By on January 27, 2012

When this photo was sent to me by Val Streit, she accidentally cropped her grandfather’s name which was Casper Whitey Jensen.  I believe he is on top of one of the Ringling elephants in this picture.
