
Posted By on August 30, 2012


CONTACT…………BOB CLINE,  AT 843-623-3743

It’s coming! It’s coming! The Bandwagon will be rolling into your home in just a couple weeks! It’s being printed right now!


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

Getting ready for the parade. The Yellow Tableau got it’s name from a bill of sale when sold or transferred from one show to another. I am sure this wagon had a name, but maybe just got lost in time.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

This wagon is known as the Yellow Tableau very often mistaken to be the Kangaroo Tableau. It was used in parades and served as the shows commissary wagon. 1939.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

The Yellow Tab was stripped and made into the Cloe Bros light and electrical wagon. At the end of these five photos there is written an explanation that will help separate some of the confusion…… The photos and memo by Stephen Flint.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

This is the final parade.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

Never to be used again, so the Yellow Tableau sits at the Cole Bros winter quarters. From 1943 on.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 30, 2012

Stepen Flint sent the five photo and this information concerning the Yellow Tableau wagon. This is circus history that Stephen was kind enough to share with the

Circus Blog.

Thank you Stephen Flint.


A Must Read !

Posted By on August 30, 2012


Leslie’s Circus Cookies

Posted By on August 29, 2012

Here is something you may be interested in. My daughter in law made these cookies for me. They are delicious and she is a superb cake and cookie baker!  Her business is in Deland, Florida where she she takes custom orders for special events like birthdays, weddings or for whatever your needs are. I thought that it was a good idea to share this with you for that special event in your family or for a gift to a friend in our business. Remember she can make cookies and cakes to your order. Here is Leslie’s phone # 386-734-3775…… These cookies were shipped to me fresh and unbroken. They are very special. She has loads of pictures to view of her beautiful work.

Michael order a dozen for me, mine are all gone.

A comment by Michael Lancaster.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on August 27, 2012

This wagon is lined up front to back. The information I have says photo shot in menagerie top, but I do not see a side wall behind them. It is possible that side wall has been raised up for this shot?

Thanks for your  comment Bob always welcomed.
