Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1938 #2 shot of this photo wagons Unloading Posted 3 of 131938. Unloading of cargo and seat wagons.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1939  Cook house Posted 3 of 13The shows cook house photo taken in 1939. Most all that were on the show took their meals at the cook house. Performers and working men alike, but there was a different seating areas provided to the performers. I was told that some of the cooks came from the military and the others were taught by them. I am sure professional cooks were hired.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1938  third shot of this photo wagon s Unloading Posted 3 of 131938, I sometimes wish I could have been there to see these circus trains unload. I can only imagine how it was, I guess that’s good enough.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1938  Horse Tent Posted 3 of 13This is a smaller tent for the horses used only for preparing the horses for their performance. 1938.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1938  Baggage Wagon Posted 3 of 131039, Wagon # 39 was a baggage wagon or cargo, according to the photo’s notes. Just a few years before, this wagon had the wooden wheels and was pulled by horses. It has been converted over with modern semi tires and most likely pulled with a Mack truck. I wonder what they did with all the old wooden starburst wheels?



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1936 Horse Top Feeding Posted 3of 13Horse tent 1936. This tent was solely for the horses. Feeding, grooming, shawing, rest and general care. By the looks of tent it was a 80 by 40? could have been somewhat larger.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1936  White Team Horse hitch with wagon565 Posted 3 of 13Four horse team pulling a cargo wagon 1936. All circus wagons carried a number, this one is 56. The reason for the numbered wagons was to designate the load of what was being carried.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1939 The Walhimir Trio their photo for Ringlinng Postted 3 of 13A featured act act on the Ringling show in 1939.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1939  Ticket Office Posted 3 of 131939 photo of ticket wagon. Look closely at the ticket window …. there is a seller behind the glass. When I see a photo like this it makes me wonder about the name of the person. Just maybe a circus historian may know. There were not that many people that were permitted to work in a ticket wagon because there was a great deal of money at hand.

Thanks Bob for your comment. I was concerned about this wagon and where it may be. So many of them were destroyed.



Posted By on March 20, 2013

Ringling Bros Barnum   Bailey  1936  White Team  8 Horse hitch with pole wagon Posted 3-0f 131934 eight horse hitch pulling  pole wagon.
