Pete and Petrova

Posted By on March 1, 2009


Above is a collage of Pete and Petrova. I had the pleaure of working with these fine performers in the early 1960 ‘s. I remember them both as being very kind and gentle people.  One day between shows Pete and I were talking about his music for his act. He said he wished he could change his music to something more dramatic. I mentioned to him that I noticed that going into each trick, their hand motions were very deliberate and graceful. I suggested the music from Goldfinger ….and from that day forward that was their music for the act. The last time I saw Pete was here in Scottsdale, I think in 2003-04. He was traveling with Tommy Hannaford’s Circus.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Pete and Petrova”

  1. Bill Strong says:

    Trudy & I spent a season with Pete & Isabel on Gil Gray when we debuted our Cradle Act,(The Pharoahs), to save putting up two sets of uprights we both worked on theirs, by switching the cradles every show. It was a very good season and we have been friends ever since.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks for your comment Bill. Pete was not doing the act when I saw him here in Scottsdale AZ, I think he was moveing the show for Tommy.

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