Great London Circus Sideshow

Posted By on September 19, 2012

Ed Russell had the sideshow on Great London. This shot was taken on set up day. The tractor in the midway served as a water wagon and it also pulled a seat wagon. It held a 300 hundred gallon tank that sat in front of the 5th wheel. In this photo there is just a glimpse of the food and candy concession trailer. Herbie Weber who operated the concession for Sid is filling it up with water, which would later be pulled over to it’s location on the midway. If you knew Herbie, he never met a floss wagon he didn’t like. Herbie had two acts in the show, but his big act was butchering that candy. Herbie once told me that sometimes he made more money butchering then what he made with his acts.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “Great London Circus Sideshow”

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