Great London Circus Makimba

Posted By on September 19, 2012


I was fortunate to have two great chimps!  Bongie was my hand balancing and comedy chimp.  I lost in him in Las Vegas in the late 19so’s which almost put an end to the act.  Makimba, who you see in this photo, learned Bongie’s exact routine within a year.  Makimba carried the act as Bongie once did. I added “Boy” to the act and he did  just three stunts but he was big and looked good. I had two other big chimps that I would put into the act only when there was a show that called for it and a safe distance away from people. I once thought about having an arena act and working all of my chimps, which at one time numbered ten. I was concerned that it would compromise the comedy in the act. I did not want to destroy the humor that I was noted for, thus I never did the arena act.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


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