Royal International Circus #8

Posted By on May 29, 2012

                                 Herbie Weber one of the greats in our business,1972?


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


2 Responses to “Royal International Circus #8”

  1. George Bruno’s Break away Sway Pole gave every audience the thrill of a life time.When he appeared at the Toys for Tots show at the L.A. Sports Arena in 1961 or 62, which was MC ed by my Dad,(CHUCKO the Clown) Kabat had booked the acts and gave my Dad no warning about the big finish to George’s Act.Three generations of my family were seated directly under George’s rigging.When we heard the CRACK and he almost landed in our laps the range of emotions went from Fear to Concern to Elation in just seconds.(in fact my grandmother almost had a heart attack)
    Once again I was blessed to later work with George and I watched his act 100’s of times I always remembered that feeling of the first time.

  2. Patricia Murphy says:

    Do you know approximately when this photo was taken?

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