Jungleland’s Main Arena

Posted By on May 12, 2012

Richard “Dick” Walker seen here in this photo, He to was a fine cat trainer. It is some what unbelievable how many young men and women got their start at Jungleland. I have often wondered what ever became of Dick. The last time I saw him was in 1959?

John Harriott’s comment is more than gracious to the circus blog. Thank you John. I am racing against time trying to get as much circus history as possible on the blog. I also thank the others that have helped me keep our circus record factual with their comments.

Thanks Janice for your comment, Your Dad was a fine man and a great trainer.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Jungleland’s Main Arena”

  1. john herriott says:

    Ivan, this is a great and very entertaining piece of show biz. history. Wonderful. I never did visit the compound. Was a Goebels later when only a ring barn was there plus camel paddocks, etc. I did do some training in the ring barn and was thrilled and fascinated that so many trainers had worked there. [Jocyce, Dorothy Herbert, MacDonald among others. But over the years I have heard so much about it, activities there, etc. that your recent blog was wonderful. Thank you and keep up that kind of good work. I also like to hear about all the Henry’s, etc.

  2. Janice Trevino says:

    My Dad (Ray Chandler) trained alot of Camels in that ringbarn. The Big barn was also a great playground.

  3. Davey Walker says:

    Thats my grandfather in that cage. Id like to speak with someone that could give me more information. Anything would be appreciated.

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