The Girl In The Moon #1

Posted By on December 4, 2008

Not too long ago a gentleman by the name of Alan Schwartz sent me this brochure cover and inside were these wonderful photos with one letter head, all will follow on the next pages. I believe this act was in the late 40’s or early 50’s.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


One Response to “The Girl In The Moon #1”

  1. Bill Strong says:

    Hello Ivan,
    My sister-in-law Joanne Pinson referred me to your site, I had heard of it before but I keep so busy on this “Infernal Machine” with my stuff I don’t get around to other sites much.
    First I want to compliment you on your great blog, the format is attractive, and it is very easy to navigate.
    The Airplane Act in your series was designed & built by the Walkmirs, who did a very nice Perch Act previous to that. Your date is pretty close, I don’t know exactly the year but the act was purchased in the early ’50’s by a couple named Harvey & Hennie,(My apology for never remembering their last name), Hennie formerly did a Sway Pole Act, under the name Luxem,(she is Johnny’s aunt), she worked the airplane breifly as Aida, then changed the name to Celeste. The act was later purchased by Jacquline & Jon Zerbini, and converted to a Rocket it then went to Surge & Stevie Scott Corona, back to Jacquline, & is now worked by one of the Anastasinis.

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