Tiger Attack

Posted By on August 7, 2011

This photo is very rare. What you see here is a DUMB STUNT that started out as a good idea.

During a show, two trainers in London, England, believed their Tiger was tame enough to be handled by a young child, So, Hugh Boyle was enlisted to play with the cat. As the photo shows, it was not a good idea. It almost cost Hugh his life.

Just got a comment 6-1-2015. from Barry McDonnell. Please read.


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Tiger Attack”

  1. Barry McDonnell says:

    This in incorrect.

    This happened in Perth Australia in 1973 – and I was there.

    I believe that is me behind the guy on the left on the platform.

    The tiger and the cat handlers were from Sole Brothers Circus.

    The intent was to place the tiger as a substitute for a horse in a trotting sulky for a publicity stunt. It was on the nightly news.

    Still not smart.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Barry. The info and photo came from Jack Badel well known animal trainer and friend.

  3. Barry McDonnell says:

    Thank you very much for the acknowledgement.

    I love the blog.

    I thought I would send some more info. A link to a newspaper. Below.

    The chap on the right is one of the Soles and Tich Lennon who had a few acts with Sole Brothers is the other male.

    The lad was hospitalised but overall was ok.




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