Gil Gray Circus Gang #1

Posted By on November 1, 2010



Read Joanne Wilson’s Comment


About the author

My name is Ivan M. Henry and I am the 4th generation of a circus/show business dynasty. I hope you enjoy the blog.


3 Responses to “Gil Gray Circus Gang #1”

  1. casey gibbs says:

    Thanks Ivan, What a great treasure of a picture. I can not place the party place as it was probably in the spring. Bobby and i would join the show every year in Colorado Springs the end of May after school was out.

  2. casey gibbs says:

    Thanks Ivan, Sure were a lot of young looking people in this photo. It had to be in the mid 50’s in the spring.Bobby and myself would always join up in Colorado Springs after we were out of school.

  3. This was 1960 or 61 — I will name what I can starting on the left – Eddie Murrilo- Lum wong- Dime Wilson- Harold Simmons- Art ? – Jack Wong- Max Craig – Linda Wilson – Cleo Plunket – Joanne Wilson – Bill Strong – Larry Carden – Trudy Strong – Betty Carden -Joe Lemke – Elsa Sydney – gertie Craig – Hedy Mays – Harry Mays – Lois and Dave Hoover – Billy Burke – Richard Sydney – Lawrance Cross – Mildred Welbe -Mrs Murrilo – Donny Johson – Mel Warkmiester – Gene and Vivian Randow – Dick Doud – Beverly Allen Ba Warkmiester – Jeanne Johnson – Gil Gray and sister Doris ? Thats all I can name the other folks must be the hosts

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