It’s Christmas Time

| December 24, 2014

From the Henry family to yours. May all your days be filled with blessing.


The Young Harry Lind 1904

| December 19, 2014

Photo found on the Internet.


Harry Lind

| December 19, 2014

The above photos were found on the Harry Lind Internet site. See more of Harry on this site.


Harry Lind Juggling Clubs

| December 19, 2014

These clubs are the same type as mine.


The Making of a Juggling Club

| December 19, 2014

Before Harry there was one other club craftsmen named Ed Van Wyck. It is said Harry took over after Van Wyck passed away. I believe our family Rolling Globe was made by Van Wyck. The above picture was found on the Harry Lind Internet site.


Harry H. Lind

| December 19, 2014

He was without a doubt one of the finest builders of circus props. His claim to fame was his juggling clubs. I am proud to say I own a set of his clubs. His time with us …. 1879 1967.


The Post Card To Lew Henderson

| December 19, 2014

On the other side of this card was a photo of Harry Lind.


Bailey Bros Circus

| December 19, 2014

Peggy Henderson, Harry Lind, Lew Henderson and Ruth Henderson, all with their Harry Juggling clubs.


Bailey Bros Circus

| December 19, 2014

From left to right:  Peggy Henderson MacDonald, Harry Lind, Ruth Henderson Swank and Lew Henderson Sr. Photo shows them in the back yard juggling and passing clubs just before they were to perform.


The Lilliputian Show

| December 19, 2014

This ad appeared around 1919. I want to thank Billie Hernderson for these four ads. Billie is the sister of Peggy MacDonald and the wife of Mac MacDonald ….. One of the best elephant trainers that ever lived.
