Ray Chandler

| September 14, 2011

I consider myself very lucky to have found this publicity photo of Ray Chandler’s elephant act with his wife presenting Princess. The center of the photo had been stained with ink. I got most of it out, but still a little blue remains. The Chandlers were from the old school of circus. There was never […]


Miller Bros Circus

| September 14, 2011

A Photo from my collection. If you were to asked me the names of these gentlemen, for the life of me, I could not tell you. I have had this photo for years. It came from some of the old photos belonging to my father. My question, if I could ask them,  would be…why are […]


Hankie Trick #1

| September 14, 2011

It’s really not an easy trick. If you have never seen it , it’s like this. A handkerchief is laid  across the tight wire. Then the performer goes to his knees and bends down, taking the hankie in his teeth as you see here. Notice his right arm is behind the wire and his left […]


Hankie Trick #2

| September 14, 2011

Same trick, only done on a trapeze. As you can see, the performer is on his knees at the end of a high swing. This is where the bending down for the handkerchief must take place, at the end of the forward swing. Only for a split second will the gravity force  hold  you tight […]


Jack Wright

| September 14, 2011

Jack Wright’s wedding 1913. Jack is on the far left with cake and knife in hand. His wife stands to his right. Jack was a true cowboy and was known world-wide for his expert  trick roping skills. I remember him when I was a kid on the updated 101 Wild West Show & Circus mid […]


Slack Wire

| September 14, 2011

Bill Capell Collection. Many of the photos in the collection were publicity shots that performers sent to submit their act for the Capell Bros Circus.


The Flying Siegrists

| September 14, 2011

I have very little history on this act, but I do recall their name from years ago. Hopefully someone out there in the circus world can help with info.  


The Flying Siegrists

| September 14, 2011


The Flying Siegrists

| September 14, 2011

At the time of this photo, the troupe had an address in Houston, Texas. This photo had to have been taken in the very early 1950’s. It has laid around with my other photos for years.  


Siegrist ?

| September 14, 2011

This could be a totally different flying act. Notice that there are four people in this act.  It is very possible that they added a new member to the act. The rigging looks the same but don’t they all………… HELP.
