thecircusblog | October 23, 2010
Always remember this simple little creed in everything you do. THE CIRCUS BLOG.
thecircusblog | October 23, 2010
Always remember this simple little creed in everything you do. THE CIRCUS BLOG.
thecircusblog | October 22, 2010
Ringling Bros Barnum and Baily Circus 1942. May Kovar working leopards and black panthers for Alfred Court. She was Alfred’s only female trainer. In this photo she is performing in ring number one. There were others in Alfred Court’s stable of trainers Damoo Ohotre, Joe Walch and Fritz Schultz to name a few. May Kovar’s daughter […]
thecircusblog | October 22, 2010
Gil always took the time for a photo, On the right is the ringmaster for the Gil Gray circus Cleo Plunkett. I remember Cleo well as he was our ringmaster with the Hubert Castle show in 1966.
thecircusblog | October 21, 2010
A new addition to the circus.” Dolly Dumbo”. George King and wife Gil on the far right.
thecircusblog | October 21, 2010
Bobby Gibbs and his ponie drill on the Gil Gray Circus, mid 1960’s ?
thecircusblog | October 21, 2010
This photo of Gil was taken in the early 1930’s. He passed away in 1989.
thecircusblog | October 21, 2010