One Finger Stand

Posted By on September 15, 2008

The Great Barton performing a one finger stand. Often we would do matinees between horse races one act at a time. In the evening we would do a full variety show. We did not put up the back drop, This would allow the racing fans to see the horses in the back stretch.


The Great Barton

Posted By on September 15, 2008

The Great Barton and his wife were part of the South of the Border Review, a show produced by Clarence Smith of Salt Lake City, Utah.


Rudy Bros Circus

Posted By on September 14, 2008

This is a rare photo of Rudy Jacobi owner of Rudy Bros. Circus. This shot was taken between shows. Many a circus owner got their start working in Rudy’s advance sale phone rooms. My mother Mary Henry AKA Toni Madison is third in from the left.


Learmont Chimps

Posted By on September 14, 2008

These chimps were owned by Ed C. Learmont but trained by a young man named Al Antenouchi. Al became one of the greatest chimp trainers in the business and was my hero when I was a young man. My father told me “you couldn’t have picked a better role model.”


Circus Arena

Posted By on September 14, 2008

This is a picture of the Siebrand Bros Circus arena. In 1953 ,we put in stringer seats in for the audience it work for a while but people would set and waite for the next show, The idea was to keep the people moving around the midway. Every hour on the hour a 15 min a free circus would be presented tw0 or three acts  each show. This was very popular with the public. The circus was at the back end of the carnival midway.


Front Gate to the Show

Posted By on September 14, 2008

The front gate of the Siebrand Bros. Circus and Carnival. They boasted about their one mile midway. At the back of the midway was the circus consisting of 2 rings and a 30 x 40 stage. The stage and scenery was built by Cliff Henry in 1949.


Young Ivan

Posted By on September 14, 2008

Pictured here are my Dad and I and a fellow performer, Phil Bonta. Dad & I are getting ready to perform the Rolling Globe act . I was about 10 years old, My Mother also performed with us.


Handstand Training

Posted By on September 14, 2008

It only took about a week for Dad & I to train Bongi to do a hand to hand handstand. As for my self about three weeks. Notice my superb foot coordination. The true of the matter the chimp was more coordinated than me. Photo taken on Siebrand Bros. Circus.


Drying Toby

Posted By on September 14, 2008

This picture of Toby was taken right after his bath on Sid Kellner’s Great London Circus.


Henry Bros. Honored

Posted By on September 14, 2008

This certificate was given to me by Stan Reed, Phoenix, Arizona. May 19, 1988.
