Tiger Leap

Posted By on February 25, 2009


Here is a stunning picture of a well trained tiger. Year 1959 on the Tom Pack Gran Circo, Imperial Arena Mexico.  This is a photo of, Josip Macran  It is very easy to confuse the two trainers Bouty and Marcan because their wardrobe was very similar and they both worked bare chested.


Dule Tigers Barrel Roll

Posted By on February 25, 2009


The tricks just get better and better.


Hind Leg Stand with Josip Marcan

Posted By on February 25, 2009


This tiger probably weighed around 400 lbs. I wish I could have seen this act in person.                


The Salute

Posted By on February 25, 2009


What can you say? About something that is already perfect.


Josip Marcan

Posted By on February 25, 2009



Mr. Marcan displaying great showmanship.The horse was named King and the tiger Sultan. I want to thank Wade Burk for naming the pictures for me. Josip Marcan became one of the greatest trainers of his generation. He still lives in the USA.


HI FI the Clown

Posted By on February 25, 2009


bob-emricoBob Emrico was a good friend and a nice guy. Bob never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was on Siebrand Bros circus for many years. If you didn’t see Bob in the back yard of the circus you could bet he was off  fishing.  He loved his fishing and you also could find my dad with him.

Read Comment.


Senior Roberto Ponies

Posted By on February 25, 2009


                               This is Bobby Gibbs and his liberty ponies, Bobby your wardrobe looks great,


Gibbs Menagerie

Posted By on February 23, 2009


Bobby’s Dog and Bear act. This mix of animals is sure different, I bet it is a crowd pleaser.


Bobby Gibbs

Posted By on February 23, 2009


Bobby Gibb’s Zebras. I never met Mr. Gibbs but maybe someday I will.  I have heard a lot of nice things about him. I have a question why do the zebras look alike in their strips? B0bby is this a gag. I have looked & looked at this picture & I think it is either donkeys or ponies that are painted. See comment below by Bill Strong.


Ed and Francis Clark

Posted By on February 23, 2009


This is a picture of Ed and Francis Clark. Dad and I worked a lot of fairs and circuses with these wonderful friends. The last time we saw them was in the early 1960’s. Francis treated her animals just like children. When the kids in the audience saw the bear act…they would equate it two “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. It was a great act for kids.
