Siebrand Carnival Equipment

Posted By on April 16, 2009


Top left: front gate semi. Left center: Caterpillar ride tubs. Bottom left: show fence semi. Top right: Bumper car semi trailers. Right center: Electric generators Cat 250 KW …. there were six on the show, each 250 KW. Bottom right:  Octopus ride loaded…………These 20 photos were supplied by Tammy Ree, a grand niece of the Siebrand Family……There are other Siebrand photos in categ0ries.


Mrs. Martin Johnson

Posted By on April 13, 2009

Mrs.Martin Johnson

When I was a kid in the early 1950’s, there were these fantastic movies on TV about the animal kingdom.  This lady Osa and her husband Martin went to Africa, Borneo and South America where they photographed wild animals. I am sure  these pictures were never seen before by anyone. Osa and Martin were not circus people but  what they did was to bring numerous different types of animals into the front  rooms of many homes. The television audience then wanted to see more and see it in person.  It helped bring more people to the circuses and the zoos but more over gave people a better understanding of wild animals.


The Courageous Martin & Osa Johnson

Posted By on April 13, 2009

Martin Johnson #3

They hunted the animals with motion picture cameras.  Osa and her husband Martin flew to different parts of the world to film animals in their natural habitat. They also filmed the native people of where they were and many of these tribes had never been photographed before.  In the 1930’s it took a great deal of courage to travel to these far off places and do what they did.


The Johnsons

Posted By on April 13, 2009

Martin Johnson #2

They were the best at what they did. I understand that most of the film that was shot was distorted by time. Film then was made of cellulose and like many great old motion pictures….they are gone for ever.  Martin and Osa ….what a team of filmakers…..  and what a contribution they gave to the world.


Gary and Zoeanna Henry

Posted By on April 13, 2009


Reed Bros Circus 1981….playing somewhere in the northwest.


Zoeanna Henry

Posted By on April 13, 2009


Ready up for Spec.  A beautiful costume and a beautiful lady. This Photo taken in 1975 on the Hoxie Circus.


The Cowboy Clown

Posted By on April 13, 2009


This is a picture of Gary Henry getting ready to perform.  Hoxie Circus 1975.  Zoeanna wrote a little note on the back of this photo about  Ruth Harriot riding a white horse in the background.


The Wedding of Andres and Shirley Henry Atayde

Posted By on April 13, 2009


Shirley Henry is now Mrs. Andres Atayde. There are many generations of circus here. The Ataydes were married July 18,2008. I am happy for you “Cuz.”


Triple Horses

Posted By on April 13, 2009


This is not a still shot.  Zoeanna is moving along at a pretty good clip on the Hoxie Circus Hipadrome.


The Ringmaster

Posted By on April 13, 2009


Gary Henry had a knack for announcing shows. He has a polite manner about himself but more importantly he knows the business,  and if need be he can spot a performer doing a difficult trick or help a trainer in trouble.   Photo of Gary on M and M Productions.
