The Erickson’s

Posted By on May 10, 2010


The Siebrand circus performers were always willing to do a show for the veterans. This hospital is in Tucson , AZ. 1950.


Mesa Verde Ruins

Posted By on May 10, 2010


This is one of many photos that my Dad had about the native American people. The cliff dwellers were of great interest to him. 1951


Circo Suarez

Posted By on May 10, 2010

100_27261Poster used in 1974 and 75.



Posted By on May 10, 2010


                                                Featured on the Polack Bros Circus 1946.


Barnum and Bailey

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Most of these old posters were lithographs. A master poster was hand drawn and painted and then upon completion prints were made by the hundreds.  Each year the posters were different from the last season. Whatever the attractions were for that season a poster was crafted. Many posters were generic with open white spaces where show dates times and location could be sniped in. One of the Capell posters is an example.


The Gutierrez Family Bus

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Home away from home…. 1950 Siebrand Bros Circus. Standing for a photo is Alica Gutierrez,  a fine performer.



Armida Gutierrez

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Armida on the tight wire. As time goes on you lose track of your friends …and so it is in our business also. I was involved in a TV series in the early 1960’s called Greatest Show on Earth with Jack Palence. On one of the show the script called for two wire walkers, myself and Armida. It was great to work together again. After the gig was over I didn’t see her until 1976. She became Armida Smith and has a fine family. As for the rest of the Gutierrez family, they are somewhere out there in the show business world. If you read this blog….I would love to hear from you.


Zoeanna Henry

Posted By on May 4, 2010


Thanks Jackie for sending me this beauitful photo of Zoe.   I spoke with her a few days ago and she and Gary are doing well. God bless her for the good care she gives to her husband Gary.


Old Circus Poster

Posted By on May 4, 2010


My thanks again to F.C. Victor for restoring these wonderful old posters, some of witch were rolled up and folded for years.


Ezra… The Roller Skating Hillbilly

Posted By on May 4, 2010


This was Ezra’s bib overalls and straw hat and this was his wardrobe. Ezra did two acts on the Siebrand Circus. Comedy mule and acrobatic roller skating. Both of his acts were on a light country comedy satire, almost with a Will Rogers attitude. He would use a microphone for a lot of his one liners, but most of his jokes were leather lunged. Ezra was not a young man but that did not stop him from doing a forward somersault as he is readying for in this photo. The table on his right he would dance on top of it while playing the guitar and banjo. Thanks to Ezra, I learned how to play the guitar and one song … just enough to have fun with. Three simple cords G, C and D. Deep in the wild woods-sitting on a log- my finger on the trigger and my eye on a hog. To this day I still have fun with it and soon will teach my grand kids.
