The Malkos

Posted By on November 7, 2010


                                Please comment if you know anything about this troupe.    Read comment below, by Sandra Duke Vogel. Also a fine comment by Judy Yanez.


Dolly Dumbo and Friend

Posted By on November 7, 2010

Clark Gable and Dolly make friends on the Gil Gray circus. Photo taken sometime in  1949 or 1950. It is said that Gable was a circus fan and always enjoyed being around the circus animals.


Gil Gray Circus Ponies

Posted By on November 7, 2010

                                George King putting Prince though his hind  leg routine.


G.G.G. Circus Elephant

Posted By on November 6, 2010

Dolly Dumbo doing the plank walk. George King was the trainer on the Gil Gray circus during the late 1949 and 1950’s.


George King

Posted By on November 6, 2010

                                      George King working the Gil Gray circus ponies.


Dolly Dumbo At School

Posted By on November 6, 2010

                                       Photo taken mid 1950’s in Minot, North Dakota.


G. G. G.

Posted By on November 6, 2010

                                     Guy Gilbert Gray being honored at the Tehama shrine date.


The Pony Punk

Posted By on November 6, 2010

This is my old friend Casey Gibbs at the tender age of 15. The photo was taken in 1958 on the Gil Gray circus in Springfield, Mo. The show was at the Shrine Mosque arena. What is with the strips Casey                                      SEE……… Comment made by Kandra Robertson.


Gil and Mary

Posted By on November 6, 2010

                                            Gil Gray and his daughter Mary. Photo taken in 1953.



Harold Simmons

Posted By on November 6, 2010


                       A birthday party for a great big “little man”.   Gil Gray is on the far right.

                                                     SEE……. Comment by Kandra Robertson.                      

