Gil Gray

Posted By on March 29, 2011

Photo of Gil Gray and his elephant “Dolly Dumbo” taken in May of 1952.


Black Diamond #1

Posted By on March 29, 2011

There will be a series of six photos concerning the execution in 1928. This photo show herd going to the circus lot.


Black Diamond #2

Posted By on March 29, 2011

The unloading of the elephants from the circus train.


Black Diamond #3

Posted By on March 29, 2011

Diamond was taken to a wooded area and men made ready their rifles.


Black Diamond #4

Posted By on March 29, 2011

I believe this is Joe Metcalf tightening the hobbles.


Black Diamond #5

Posted By on March 29, 2011

Black Diamond paid with his life for killing a women in Corsica, Texas, It was during the Al G. Barnes circus parade when Diamond went bad. At that time I have been told Joe Metcalf was handling Diamond and there was nothing he could do to stop Black Diamond. Why these things happen and why did he pick out this person, we will never know.


Black Diamond #6

Posted By on March 29, 2011

It’s over……….. His execution took place in Kennedy, Texas.

Photos and information are from the collection of Jack Badal.

There may be a discrepancy in the towns where these events took place.


Capt. Jack Bonavita

Posted By on March 21, 2011

This is a rare photo of Jack Bonavita. What you see here is an actual trick that Jack Bonavita performed in his act. This photo has not been tampered with. At the time of this photo Jack was with the Frank Bostock wild animal circus in England the year 1910. Frank Bostock was a wild animal trainer as well and quiet famous…………. The name of this trick that Jack is performing is called ” The Arm- Chair”.


Col. William Woodcock

Posted By on March 21, 2011

Col. William Woodcock was one of the most knowledgeable elephant man and trainer that this country ever had.


Dr. Dolittle #1

Posted By on March 21, 2011

This not only was a fantastic movie,but it put a lot of our circus animal trainers to work at a time when work was needed.
