Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

This is an animal cage wagon…… it looks similar to the #9 wagon. The difference that I see is the side carved scallops, also the white painted front.  The photo of this wagon was shot in 1939.


Jungleland Flyer

Posted By on May 14, 2012


The Jungleland flyer was very impressive, but this tiger was not in any movies.  Rajah was one of Mabel’s toughest tigers. It was true there was no SMOG in Thousand Oaks…..Back then, now I don’t know.


Jungleland Monkey Business

Posted By on May 14, 2012

These are two of the Henry Tyndall chimps. Backyard playing was part of their training. You never knew what a TV or movie company would ask your chimps to do. It was important that your chimps had no fear and could preform anywhere…. anytime. Henry was constantly involving his chimps with different situations and environments. Henry’s off camera work was unbelievable.  He could cue a chimp from 30 to 40 feet away and much further if need be. Even from behind the camera. At motion picture work he was the best, but he was not a good performer. He did his chimp act at the compound main arena stage. It was obvious to another performer he was uncomfortable when performing.


Jungleland’s Baby Elephant

Posted By on May 14, 2012

This is Taffy. She and Alfie were two of the smallest elephants at the compound.  Alfie who can barely be seen behind her….. was still being bottle fed.


Jungleland & Kids

Posted By on May 14, 2012

One of the most popular things to do at Jungleland was to feed the animals. Small packets of grain was sold to feed some of them. It was not a petting zoo and there had to be some overseeing of what was fed to the animals.

Randy thanks for your comment.

Janice Chandler spent most of her young life at Jungleland. Her father Ray Chandler was one of the top trainers at Jungleland. Please read her comment.


Jungleland ‘s Elephant Ride

Posted By on May 14, 2012

The ever popular elephant ride. I believe that is Arkie Scott under the awning of the Jungle Hut food bar. At that time he was Jungleland’s head bull man. Arkie always kept an eye out on his elephants.

Great comment Janice.


Jungleland’s Main Arena

Posted By on May 12, 2012

Richard “Dick” Walker seen here in this photo, He to was a fine cat trainer. It is some what unbelievable how many young men and women got their start at Jungleland. I have often wondered what ever became of Dick. The last time I saw him was in 1959?

John Harriott’s comment is more than gracious to the circus blog. Thank you John. I am racing against time trying to get as much circus history as possible on the blog. I also thank the others that have helped me keep our circus record factual with their comments.

Thanks Janice for your comment, Your Dad was a fine man and a great trainer.


Gable At Jungleland

Posted By on May 12, 2012

This photo of Clark Gable was shot in 1946’s? He indeed loved animals and was a circus fan. I have a photo of him visiting the Gil Gray circus.


Ada Smieya

Posted By on May 12, 2012

This photo of Ada was taken in 1966 at the main Jungleland stage arena. Ada was also at Jungleland during it’s auction of Oct, 1969.


Jungleland’s Tamba

Posted By on May 12, 2012

Tamba was a true movie star chimp. She worked with Johnny Wiesmuller in numerous movies.
