Campbell Bros Circus #4

Posted By on May 22, 2012

Campbell Bros two section cage wagon.


Campbell Bros Circus #5

Posted By on May 22, 2012

Sorry for such a bad photo, but this is the best I could do considering the negative I had to work with.


Campbell Bros Circus #6

Posted By on May 22, 2012

Campbell Bros Swan tableau with band. The year is unknown to me.


Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

When does the parade start! Cage wagon 1929.

Bob Cline has made comments that helps identify these Robbins Bros wagons. All I have to go by is the small amount of information, IF ANY written on the envelopes that the photo negative was filed in. I am certainly happy that I have Bob Cline and others helping the circus blog. Thanks to all………..Please read the comment.

Comment by Wade Burck, Thanks


Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

This tableau wagon had a beautiful hand carved dragon on it’s side.


Robbins Bros Band Wagon United States

Posted By on May 14, 2012

This negative was a total wreck. I put it between two clear glass frames and got this positive. Not all that bad.


Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

Robbins Bros tableau with clown band. Photo was taken sometime in the 1920’s.


Robbins Bros Band Wagon United States

Posted By on May 14, 2012

Sorry for the poor condition of this photo. The negative was completely in ruin.


Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

Lion cage wagon. Photo shot in 1938.

Thanks Bob for your comment.


Robbins Bros Circus

Posted By on May 14, 2012

Robbins cage wagon. This is a good shot of the leopard, not so good of the lion. It is funny how you will notice little things, like the paint run on the backside of the valance. 1938.
