Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

Cole Bros elephants rehearsing in the back yard. This sometimes accrued if the act was not going well. Actually I think the pyramid trick was for the camera. The elephant men would always before going on would have the elephants do hind leg stands for dumping out. Hopefully there would not be a problem in the ring.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

This is the hippo wagon, 1945. The bottom of the wagon has been lowered to accommodate the water tank.

Thanks for your comment Bob.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

When I see a photo such as this it makes my mind wander. Here are these two young boys in a railroad yard, during the unloading of the Cole circus wagons. Could they be with the show or are they townies? Where are they now in 2012? Questions that will never be answered… but here they are, unbeknownst to them that they are in the circus blog. Photo taken in 1948.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

Cole Bros ticket wagon, 1942.


Cole Bros Circus Poster

Posted By on September 3, 2012

These four girls were the Titian’s. They did a teeterboard act with Cole Bros. The year is unknown to me. Most likely in the 1930’s.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

In the front of this photo are two baggage wagons that have quarter and side poles strapped to their sides. Photo taken in 1939.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

Cole Bros US Band wagon. Photo shot during a parade. There was no information with the negative on the date or town.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 3, 2012

I posted this photo before but this time just a little different angel. Seen here are the men loading wagons and wheel rails, 1936.


Ridem Cowboy

Posted By on September 3, 2012

Here is a painting that Ninette did of Casey Gibbs riding a bare back bronx. Now I knew that Casey was a hick of a man but never knew he rode bucking horses. Casey come up with a little info on this…

Thank you Casey for the information on your cowboy days.


Cole Bros Circus

Posted By on September 1, 2012

One of the elephants was knocked over by another in a fight. This will happen every now and again with a herd of elephants. There is a certain amount of “who is to be boss” called the pecking order between them. The bull man is helping the elephant to it’s feet and I am sure it a little dazed from the scuffle. In the right side of photo several bull men are containing the other elephant that was involved in whatever the disagreement was. This is the time of the true test of the head bull man and those around him. It is a very serious thing when it happens and if not contained quickly as well as calming down the herd, it could cause more fighting and the herd could scatter in all directions. The person that took this photo just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The season of 1938.
